Free Online Presentation - 'What I Learned Rowing Across the Pacific Ocean'


The team at Off Center Harbor have been working tirelessly to put together the 2024 Worldwide Classic Boat Show - an online boat show featuring hundreds of owner-submitted boats, boating organisations, and much more. Included in the lineup are online presentations from wooden boat folks from around the world. I was lucky enough to present again this year.

The title of my presentation - ‘What I Learned Rowing Across the Pacific Ocean’ - was not my choice, but rather a hint from the organisers for me to shed some light on, not just the practicalities of the adventure, but the inner experience - the lessons I’ve learnt along the way. It turned into something of a tear-jerker, with LOVE being the key ingredient in a very emotional presentation.

Below are a handful of comments from the viewers, one of which was:

“Somehow get this story out to the WORLD!!!!!”

Which prompted the team at Off Center Harbor to open the page up to everyone - to let my story be shared “with your loved ones, or those who need some more love.”

- “NO dry eyes here on Bainbridge Island!”

- “Wow. Just wow. Congratulations Tom! What an inspiration and example you are. Gives me faith in humanity. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Best to you…”

- “So touched by your description of the values you found ( and latched onto) in the Penrhyn society. Thanks for the reminder that , yes, it’s mainly about love. Please don’t let this be the last we see of you, Tom. You’re a teacher, and we need you. God bless you, Mahuta.”

- “I absolutely LOVED this presentation. Truly a highlight of the Worldwide Classic Boat Show. Thank you Tom Robinson for sharing your story and profound insights into beauty, simplicity and love. Thank you Off Center Harbor.”

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